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1 /********************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH *
3  * *
4  * This software is distributed under the terms of the *
5  * GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) version 3, *
6  * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE" *
7  ********************************************************************************/
8 // ********************************************* //
9 // *** D. Kresan 2004-Sep-14 *** //
10 // *** D.Kresan@gsi.de *** //
11 // ********************************************* //
13 #include "FairTrajFilter.h"
15 #include "FairRootManager.h" // for FairRootManager
17 #include <TClonesArray.h> // for TClonesArray
18 #include <TError.h> // for Fatal
19 #include <TGeoBBox.h>
20 #include <TGeoManager.h>
21 #include <TGeoVolume.h>
22 #include <TMath.h> // for Pi, TwoPi, Log
23 #include <TMathBase.h> // for Abs
24 #include <TParticle.h> // for TParticle
25 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, etc
27 using namespace std;
31 TMCThreadLocal FairTrajFilter* FairTrajFilter::fgInstance = nullptr;
33 FairTrajFilter* FairTrajFilter::Instance() { return fgInstance; }
36  : fVxMin(-2000.)
37  , fVxMax(2000.)
38  , fVyMin(-2000.)
39  , fVyMax(2000.)
40  , fVzMin(-2000.)
41  , fVzMax(2000.)
42  , fPMin(0.)
43  , fPMax(1e10)
44  , fThetaMin(0.)
45  , fThetaMax(TMath::Pi())
46  , fPhiMin(0.)
47  , fPhiMax(TMath::TwoPi())
48  , fPxMin(-1e10)
49  , fPxMax(1e10)
50  , fPyMin(-1e10)
51  , fPyMax(1e10)
52  , fPzMin(-1e10)
53  , fPzMax(1e10)
54  , fPtMin(0.)
55  , fPtMax(1e10)
56  , fRapidityMin(-1e10)
57  , fRapidityMax(1e10)
58  , fKinCutType(0)
59  , // polar system by default
60  fEtotMin(0.)
61  , fEtotMax(1e10)
62  , fStorePrim(kTRUE)
63  , fStoreSec(kTRUE)
64  , fStepSizeMin(0.1)
65  , // 1mm by default
66  fTrackCollection(new TClonesArray("TGeoTrack"))
67  , fCurrentTrk(nullptr)
68 {
69  if (nullptr != fgInstance) {
70  Fatal("FairTrajFilter", "Singleton class already exists.");
71  return;
72  }
74  fgInstance = this;
75 }
77 FairTrajFilter::~FairTrajFilter() { fgInstance = nullptr; }
79 void FairTrajFilter::Init(TString brName, TString folderName)
80 {
81  FairRootManager::Instance()->Register(brName.Data(), folderName.Data(), fTrackCollection, kTRUE);
82 }
84 void FairTrajFilter::Reset() { fTrackCollection->Delete(); }
86 Bool_t FairTrajFilter::IsAccepted(const TParticle* p) const
87 {
88  if (nullptr == p) {
89  return kFALSE;
90  }
92  // Apply vertex cut
93  if ((p->Vx() < fVxMin) || (p->Vx() > fVxMax) || (p->Vy() < fVyMin) || (p->Vy() > fVyMax) || (p->Vz() < fVzMin)
94  || (p->Vz() > fVzMax)) {
95  return kFALSE;
96  }
98  // Apply cut on kinematics
99  if (0 == fKinCutType) {
100  if ((p->P() < fPMin) || (p->P() > fPMax) || (p->Theta() < fThetaMin) || (p->Theta() > fThetaMax)
101  || (p->Phi() < fPhiMin) || (p->Phi() > fPhiMax)) {
102  return kFALSE;
103  }
104  } else if (1 == fKinCutType) {
105  if ((p->Px() < fPxMin) || (p->Px() > fPxMax) || (p->Py() < fPyMin) || (p->Py() > fPyMax) || (p->Pz() < fPzMin)
106  || (p->Pz() > fPzMax)) {
107  return kFALSE;
108  }
109  } else {
110  Double_t rapidity = 0.5 * TMath::Log((p->Energy() + p->Pz()) / (p->Energy() - p->Pz()));
111  if ((p->Pt() < fPtMin) || (p->Pt() > fPtMax) || (rapidity < fRapidityMin) || (rapidity > fRapidityMax)) {
112  return kFALSE;
113  }
114  }
116  // Apply energy cut
117  if ((p->Energy() < fEtotMin) || (p->Energy() > fEtotMax)) {
118  return kFALSE;
119  }
121  // Apply generation cut
122  if (-1 == p->GetFirstMother()) {
123  if (kFALSE == fStorePrim) {
124  return kFALSE;
125  }
126  } else {
127  if (kFALSE == fStoreSec) {
128  return kFALSE;
129  }
130  }
132  return kTRUE;
133 }
135 void FairTrajFilter::SetVertexCut(Double_t vxMin,
136  Double_t vyMin,
137  Double_t vzMin,
138  Double_t vxMax,
139  Double_t vyMax,
140  Double_t vzMax)
141 {
142  TGeoBBox* cave = static_cast<TGeoBBox*>(gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetShape());
143  cave->ComputeBBox();
144  Double_t caveX = 2. * cave->GetDX();
145  Double_t caveY = 2. * cave->GetDY();
146  Double_t caveZ = 2. * cave->GetDZ();
147  if ((vxMax < vxMin) || (vyMax < vyMin) || (vzMax < vzMin) || (TMath::Abs(vxMin) > caveX)
148  || (TMath::Abs(vxMax) > caveX) || (TMath::Abs(vyMin) > caveY) || (TMath::Abs(vyMax) > caveY)
149  || (TMath::Abs(vzMin) > caveZ) || (TMath::Abs(vzMax) > caveZ)) {
150  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetVertexCut() : invalid region, ignoring." << endl;
151  return;
152  }
153  fVxMin = vxMin;
154  fVxMax = vxMax;
155  fVyMin = vyMin;
156  fVyMax = vyMax;
157  fVzMin = vzMin;
158  fVzMax = vzMax;
159 }
162  Double_t thetaMin,
163  Double_t phiMin,
164  Double_t pMax,
165  Double_t thetaMax,
166  Double_t phiMax)
167 {
168  if ((pMax < pMin) || (thetaMax < thetaMin) || (phiMax < phiMin) || (pMin < 0.) || (pMax < 0.) || (thetaMin < 0.)
169  || (thetaMax > TMath::Pi()) || (phiMin < 0.) || (phiMax > TMath::TwoPi())) {
170  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetMomentumCutP() : invalid region, ignoring." << endl;
171  return;
172  }
173  fPMin = pMin;
174  fPMax = pMax;
175  fThetaMin = thetaMin;
176  fThetaMax = thetaMax;
177  fPhiMin = phiMin;
178  fPhiMax = phiMax;
179  fKinCutType = 0;
180 }
183  Double_t pyMin,
184  Double_t pzMin,
185  Double_t pxMax,
186  Double_t pyMax,
187  Double_t pzMax)
188 {
189  if ((pxMax < pxMin) || (pyMax < pyMin) || (pzMax < pzMin)) {
190  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetMomentumCutD() : invalid region, ignoring." << endl;
191  return;
192  }
193  fPxMin = pxMin;
194  fPxMax = pxMax;
195  fPyMin = pyMin;
196  fPyMax = pyMax;
197  fPzMin = pzMin;
198  fPzMax = pzMax;
199  fKinCutType = 1;
200 }
202 void FairTrajFilter::SetPtRapidityCut(Double_t ptMin, Double_t ptMax, Double_t rapidityMin, Double_t rapidityMax)
203 {
204  if ((ptMax < ptMin) || (rapidityMax < rapidityMin) || (ptMin < 0.) || (ptMax < 0.)) {
205  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetPtRapidityCut() : invalid region, ignoring." << endl;
206  return;
207  }
208  fPtMin = ptMin;
209  fPtMax = ptMax;
210  fRapidityMin = rapidityMin;
211  fRapidityMax = rapidityMax;
212  fKinCutType = 2;
213 }
215 void FairTrajFilter::SetEnergyCut(Double_t etotMin, Double_t etotMax)
216 {
217  if ((etotMax < etotMin) || (etotMin < 0.) || (etotMax < 0.)) {
218  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetEnergyCut() : invalid region, ignoring." << endl;
219  return;
220  }
221  fEtotMin = etotMin;
222  fEtotMax = etotMax;
223 }
225 void FairTrajFilter::SetStepSizeCut(Double_t stepSizeMin)
226 {
227  if (stepSizeMin < 0.) {
228  cout << "-E- FairTrajFilter::SetStepSizeCut() : invalid value, ignoring." << endl;
229  return;
230  }
231  fStepSizeMin = stepSizeMin;
232 }
234 void FairTrajFilter::GetVertexCut(Double_t& vxMin,
235  Double_t& vyMin,
236  Double_t& vzMin,
237  Double_t& vxMax,
238  Double_t& vyMax,
239  Double_t& vzMax) const
240 {
241  vxMin = fVxMin;
242  vxMax = fVxMax;
243  vyMin = fVyMin;
244  vyMax = fVyMax;
245  vzMin = fVzMin;
246  vzMax = fVzMax;
247 }
250  Double_t& thetaMin,
251  Double_t& phiMin,
252  Double_t& pMax,
253  Double_t& thetaMax,
254  Double_t& phiMax) const
255 {
256  pMin = fPMin;
257  pMax = fPMax;
258  thetaMin = fThetaMin;
259  thetaMax = fThetaMax;
260  phiMin = fPhiMin;
261  phiMax = fPhiMax;
262 }
264 void FairTrajFilter::GetMomentumCutD(Double_t& pxMin,
265  Double_t& pyMin,
266  Double_t& pzMin,
267  Double_t& pxMax,
268  Double_t& pyMax,
269  Double_t& pzMax) const
270 {
271  pxMin = fPxMin;
272  pxMax = fPxMax;
273  pyMin = fPyMin;
274  pyMax = fPyMax;
275  pzMin = fPzMin;
276  pzMax = fPzMax;
277 }
279 void FairTrajFilter::GetPtRapidityCut(Double_t& ptMin,
280  Double_t& ptMax,
281  Double_t& rapidityMin,
282  Double_t& rapidityMax) const
283 {
284  ptMin = fPtMin;
285  ptMax = fPtMax;
286  rapidityMin = fRapidityMin;
287  rapidityMax = fRapidityMax;
288 }
290 void FairTrajFilter::GetEnergyCut(Double_t& etotMin, Double_t& etotMax) const
291 {
292  etotMin = fEtotMin;
293  etotMax = fEtotMax;
294 }
296 TGeoTrack* FairTrajFilter::AddTrack(Int_t trackId, Int_t pdgCode)
297 {
299  // cout << "FairTrajFilter::AddTrack" << endl;
300  TClonesArray& clref = *fTrackCollection;
301  Int_t tsize = clref.GetEntriesFast();
302  fCurrentTrk = new (clref[tsize]) TGeoTrack(trackId, pdgCode);
303  return fCurrentTrk;
304 }
306 TGeoTrack* FairTrajFilter::AddTrack(TParticle* p)
307 {
308  Int_t trackId = 0;
309  // cout << "FairTrajFilter::AddTrack" << endl;
310  if (fCurrentTrk) {
311  trackId = fCurrentTrk->GetId();
312  }
313  Int_t pdgCode = p->GetPdgCode();
314  TClonesArray& clref = *fTrackCollection;
315  Int_t tsize = clref.GetEntriesFast();
316  fCurrentTrk = new (clref[tsize]) TGeoTrack(++trackId, pdgCode, 0, p);
317  return fCurrentTrk;
318 }
320 TGeoTrack* FairTrajFilter::CheckAddTrack(Int_t trackId, TParticle* p)
321 {
322  TClonesArray& clref = *fTrackCollection;
323  Int_t tsize = clref.GetEntriesFast();
324  for (Int_t itr = tsize - 1; itr >= 0; --itr) {
325  TGeoTrack* tempTrack = dynamic_cast<TGeoTrack*>(clref.At(itr));
326  if (tempTrack->GetId() == trackId) {
327  fCurrentTrk = tempTrack;
328  return fCurrentTrk;
329  }
330  }
331  // track with given trackId not found, creating new one
332  Int_t pdgCode = p->GetPdgCode();
333  fCurrentTrk = new (clref[tsize]) TGeoTrack(trackId, pdgCode, 0, p);
334  return fCurrentTrk;
335 }
337 TGeoTrack* FairTrajFilter::GetTrack(Int_t trackId) { return static_cast<TGeoTrack*>(fTrackCollection->At(trackId)); }
void SetStepSizeCut(Double_t stepSizeMin=0.)
void GetMomentumCutP(Double_t &pMin, Double_t &thetaMin, Double_t &phiMin, Double_t &pMax, Double_t &thetaMax, Double_t &phiMax) const
void SetMomentumCutP(Double_t pMin=0., Double_t thetaMin=0., Double_t phiMin=0., Double_t pMax=1e10, Double_t thetaMax=TMath::Pi(), Double_t phiMax=TMath::TwoPi())
static FairRootManager * Instance()
Bool_t IsAccepted(const TParticle *p) const
void SetMomentumCutD(Double_t pxMin=-1e10, Double_t pyMin=-1e10, Double_t pzMin=-1e10, Double_t pxMax=1e10, Double_t pyMax=1e10, Double_t pzMax=1e10)
virtual ~FairTrajFilter()
void GetMomentumCutD(Double_t &pxMin, Double_t &pyMin, Double_t &pzMin, Double_t &pxMax, Double_t &pyMax, Double_t &pzMax) const
TGeoTrack * GetTrack(Int_t trackId)
TGeoTrack * CheckAddTrack(Int_t trackId, TParticle *p)
static FairTrajFilter * Instance()
void GetEnergyCut(Double_t &etotMin, Double_t &etotMax) const
void Register(const char *name, const char *Foldername, TNamed *obj, Bool_t toFile)
TGeoTrack * AddTrack(Int_t trackId, Int_t pdgCode)
void SetVertexCut(Double_t vxMin=-2000., Double_t vyMin=-2000., Double_t vzMin=-2000., Double_t vxMax=2000., Double_t vyMax=2000., Double_t vzMax=2000.)
void GetPtRapidityCut(Double_t &ptMin, Double_t &ptMax, Double_t &rapidityMin, Double_t &rapidityMax) const
void SetEnergyCut(Double_t etotMin=0., Double_t etotMax=1e10)
void GetVertexCut(Double_t &vxMin, Double_t &vyMin, Double_t &vzMin, Double_t &vxMax, Double_t &vyMax, Double_t &vzMax) const
void SetPtRapidityCut(Double_t ptMin=0., Double_t ptMax=1e10, Double_t rapidityMin=-1e10, Double_t rapidityMax=1e10)
void Init(TString brName="GeoTracks", TString folderName="MCGeoTrack")