Notes for Developers

Source Tree Structure


Private CMake support files for this package


Place for documentation sub-pages


Modules that are automatically prepended to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.


Files and functions should be either namespaced as Fair* or otherwise be unique enough to minimize chances of conflicts.


Everything related to testing. Every test should be declared as a CTest in tests/CMakeLists.txt.



  • Write function and macro names in lower-case letters and parameter keywords in upper-case, e.g. list(PREPEND mylist newitem)

  • Make sure that anything you use will work in the supported CMake version range:

    • For project CMake code see the top-level CMakeLists.txt. Bump this minimum required version if necessary.

    • For installed modules see the next section.

Adding a new, Simple Module

A simple module is a CMake module that can be used directly. Most modules are of this kind.

  • Add it to src/modules/, prefix it with Fair.

  • Add the following header (Adapt the version as necessary):

      message(FATAL_ERROR "Module FairYourModule requires CMake 3.12 or later!")
  • Add its name to the simple_modules list in the top CMakeLists.txt. This will automatically

    • mark it for installation.

    • add some basic tests for it.

    • check for link in the documentation tree.

  • Add documentation link in docs/module/ (see sibling files there).

  • Create specific tests in tests/FairYourModule/. See sibling directories to get some ideas.

  • Add your new module to the Changelog.

Changelog and Releases

  • Changelog entries shall be prepared during the pull request process and added to the Unreleased section.

  • On releases:

    1. Bump the version number adhering to Semantic Versioning (check the project command in CMakeLists.txt)

    2. Make a version entry in the CHANGELOG.rst and move entries from the Unreleased section. The release manager may perform additional changes to the prepared entries in an editorial role if it improves readibility.

    3. Create a signed and annotated tag like this: git tag -s -a "v1.2.3" -m "Release"